Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Random shots from this side of the pond

While Bill has been living the life of a dandy in aspic, I've been having some family time on Atwood Street.  The little boys were here this weekend.  They are at a really fun age when they like to make up pretend games and say funny things on purpose (and also by accident).    This is Malikai all duded up for a morning bike ride.
 Bret christened the new fireplace this weekend.  It was installed in the middle of summer and we just couldn't bring ourselves to make a fire inside when it was 80+ degrees so Bill left without ever seeing it in action.  It was finally cool enough to make a small starter fire and tell bedtime stories lying on the dining room floor (which really shouldn't be called the dining room any more since we have no table).    I was told I smelled funny during story time because I was drinking wine.  (I had only had 2 sips!!  The kid is a bloodhound.)
 Trudi came over tonight for pizza and a chance to see Bill on my iphone using Facetime.  It was midnight for Bill so he was lying in bed with his eyes half shut but I know Trudi was thrilled to see her boy.  Poor Trudi has been battling shingles - remind me never to get shingles because it sounds a million times worse than any of the ailments that I am currently whining about.  She said that they actually have a shingles vaccine so here is a public service announcement from our blog - get the vaccine!!  Shingles sucks.

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