Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's 1:30 AM in Eton.... Do you know where my husband is??

Apologies for no picture today but I was living the life of a responsible working woman.  I went to the office, came home and ate dinner in the privacy of my own home.  It's a weeknight, nothing special was happening and I have to work in the morning.  

Meanwhile, across the husband is whooping it up like a dandy in aspic!!  (I still don't actually know what that means but I think it sounds appropriate here)  He just called from a club where he is out with two 24 year olds that he met on the golf course.  Supposedly one of them "almost made the Olympics as a hammer thrower."  Yeah, right - anyone could almost make the Olympics.  I think I almost made the para-olymics.  And hammer throwing??  

He had 4 shots of Jaegermeister and a dozen beers.  When I talked to him earlier he accepted a cigarette from someone. 

I told him to make sure he has his wallet, keys, phone and pants and get his 50 year old ass home.  He is going to be in pain tomorrow.

OMG - he's calling me again.  It's 2 AM there.

He is telling me right now that he is walking like he has one leg.  I don't even know what that means.
I had to talk him through the process of getting in the house, drinking water and setting his alarm to get up in 4 hours.  I am SO glad I will not be him tomorrow morning.

These things didn't happen when Bill was hanging out with his good friend Fletch (that I know of).   Where is that work permit??  Bill can't be left alone much longer.

1 comment:

amp said...

I find these two posts extremely sweet. You" ll be reunited soon. I wonder what Aaron would do if we were separated for five months? I wonder what I would do?