Friday, August 10, 2012

Jen and Bill are on an Adventure

Hi Friends and Followers
Bill and I are in the Cotswolds on a spontaneous jaunt ( mummy knows how much I love being sponty!!!). Unfortunately we didn't bring a laptop because we didn't know we would be out and about for a few days so we can't do normal posts.  Also wifi is a little slow in these b&bs.
We promise a real update before the end of the weekend.  Sorry for the temporary interruption in our service!
Jen & Bill


didi said...

Oh sure, you move away, and next thing we know, you're neglecting the blog. This never happened when you lived in the US. You said things would not change when you moved overseas. (kidding. have a great weekend!)

Fletch said...

I agree with Didi. If this blog were a child, we would be calling Child Protective Services about now. This is how it starts. First "oh we're out of for a few days". Next thing you know it will be, "We've adopted the UK policy of basically taking all summer off so we look forward to updating our thousands of loyal readers in a few months when we get back from our villa in the countryside". It makes me long for the "sink series" days. I feel like we don't even know who you are anymore...