Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Windsor Chris in London

I never realised you could see the queen picture from the street.
I wonder what the neighbours think.
Look who is back in the UK!  Do you remember Chris from our days in Windsor?  Chris is Bill's colleague who came to the UK regularly and stayed in Windsor for a while but then, when we moved to London, he stopped coming over so much (I'm sure the two events are related - why bother to come here if you won't see us?)  I think the last time I saw him we were lighting sparklers for Guy Fawkes Day (Nov 5).
We met Chris at a posh pub in Mayfair near his hotel.  The pub was actually quite beautiful (not as good as our Vic!) but you'd never know it from these shots.  And why did we decide to pose in front of a pile of dirty dishes?
It was great to see Chris again although it did make me miss our old Winsdsor pub, the castle,  and the long walk.  Who knows how often we'll see Chris when we move back to the states but our American friend will always be intertwined with our Windsor memories. 

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