Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tattoo Art and a Long Walk in London

 While Jen and her flock went off to war on Saturday, I chose to find art.
I trekked a couple miles to see the Sony Photography Award exhibit that I read was taking place at Somerset House.

Once again, I did not read the details well.  The exhibit ended in May.
But Somerset house is beautiful and there were a couple other exhibits where I could get my art fix on.

The exhibit highlighting art from some of the world's most influential tattoo artists sounded intriguing.  
Ummm.... not so much.

Why are tattoo artists so focused on the occult?  Is it a rule that to become a certified tattoo artist you need to be a death worshiper?
I would like a tattoo artist who produced paintings of the Queen.  That's what my tattoo will be.

The tattoo exhibit was a bust but there was the art of Beryl Bainbridge to see.
Beryl Bainbridge is a prominent writer whose book The Bottle Factory Outing was listed by Guardian as being one of the most influential books by a woman.
She was multi talented as she was an impressive painter as well.

Mr. Dibley likes Bainbridge more than the tattoo artists.

Dibley watching the Beryl Bainbridge short film.

Bainbridge died in 2010.  Here the museum replicates some of her favourite household items.  She has a little fox, therefore we like Beryl Bainbridge.

As always, the walk in Central London displays some fabulous sights.

The poorer version of last weeks Jack the Clipper blog.
Roger's The Demon Barber of 61 Fleet Street.
Discounted to £9.  Maybe they should have picked a more prolific serial killer.

 I found two more literary benches for Jen.

The Gerkin in the reflection.  Which means I made it all the way across from West London to East London.  Long walk.

 Time for the victory cigar.  

1 comment:

didi said...

how about petey tattoos?