Saturday, September 6, 2014

Morning Walk on the Thames

I'm a creature of habit. Once I establish a routine it's often hard for me to break out of it without some sort of impetus.  At this point I am embedded in my morning power walk in the park but a nasty blister has put that on hold.  Since I wasn't able to wear my trainers (yes, when I go home I'm going to say trainers instead of sneakers until someone calls me on it) I put on my sandals and went for a walk along the Thames.  It was a beautiful morning for it.

 I chose this location because there were still book benches that I hadn't seen.  Are you sick of book benches yet? 
This is Through the Looking Glass.
 I had to see Dr. Seuss.  I really like how they painted the "pages" at the top.

 Please look after this bear.  Thank you.

Great Expectations.  I'm not sure I would have picked up on that theme but I like the painting on the back.

 Outside the Globe theater was the Shakespeare bench.  Some young hooligans were sitting on it when I arrived.
 Fortunately another person came along with the nerve to ask them to get up. I might have done it myself eventually but I was happy to let someone else confront them and reap the benefits.
 As I walked towards St Paul's and the tube to get home for work I was thinking, "Holy crap, I live in London!!"  I think that a lot.  I know I won't live here forever so getting out of my routine was a good way to remind myself to enjoy this while I can.


didi said...

I love the book benches! I love the Dr. Seuss bench, but am have strong distaste for his books (not a popular view, I realize.)

Whitney said...

I love this post. it makes me think of why I park in South Boston and walk over the bridges to my office. Fort Point Channel is not the Thames. The Congress St. Bridge is not the London or Millenium Bridge - but it makes me think of London every time and I LOVE it!