Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scottish Independence

The vote for Scottish independence is today and this Scottish-American-Brit votes no.
I am for a untied Great Britain.

I am fake voting this way to protect my beloved Scotland.
I worry about its financial solvency if they vote to leave the union.
I think the decision to stay on the British pound is dangerous.  Scotland could not make independent adjustments to interest rates and other decisions that could help them out of troubled times.
 For example, compare how Florida and Spain handled economic crisis.  During the recession both had housing crashes and high unemployment.  Florida received help from the Federal government and started climbing out of their hole.  Spain, meanwhile, crashed and burned.  Today over 50% of Spain's youth are jobless.  They are tied to the Euro, but there is no Federal government to bail Spain out.

The debate, surprisingly, doesn't seem to be focused on nationalism.  There are very few stories about William Wallace and the more recent bad treatment of the Scots by the Brits.  It has been a very mature, intelligent debate from my vantage point.

Time for some Scotch from the highlands with my British beaver.
See, the world is better when Scotland and Britain come together.

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