Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Respectable Third Place at Quiz Night

I'm sure our readers know this but Bill and I contribute almost NOTHING to the quiz these days.  Last night was no exception.  If it weren't for Ann Maria and Robert we would have answered about 4 or 5 questions right total.
Jedi Knights offered to have us join their table but since we knew we had a foursome with R and AM we had to decline.  But we did get a picture of the old Jedi Sauce.
The winning team was….Orchestra!  Jerry, Jules, Mike, Cat and Ollie were playing against us.  This is the problem now that we know enough people to make up several teams - we can't play on the same side as everyone.

The weekly Jerry and Jen selfie.

This was our secret weapon.  He didn't want to play but we did get a few answers from him.

Ok, here are some questions!
In the sitcom Are You Being Served? what was the name of the department store?
What color is Mr. Tickle (in the Mr. Men book series)?
If you were to land at an airport with the call letters VCE, where would you be landing?
What singer had the top 10 hits Heartbreaker and All the Love in the World?
In the UK we call it jam - what do they call it in America?
Who or what was discovered on Skull Island?
On a Krumbein scale, what is between 2 and 64 millimeters and begins with the letter P?
There were many more questions about footballers and football announcers but I won't bother to include those.
We sat near some teams we don't really know.  The guy to the right on his own is a regular (team name Half and Half) but his buddy wasn't there this week - - his team name for the night was Half of Half and Half.
You know you are old when you complain about how dark it is at quiz night.  Reading glasses and the flashlight app were required.
Ann Maria's request on the way home - - to do the Monkee walk.  We did it for about a block although this picture doesn't really show it.
Quiz Answers:
In the sitcom Are You Being Served? what was the name of the department store?  Grace Brothers
What color is Mr. Tickle (in the Mr. Men book series)?  Orange
If you were to land at an airport with the call letters VCE, where would you be landing? Venice
What singer had the top 10 hits Heartbreaker and All the Love in the World? Dionne Warwick
In the UK we call it jam - what do they call it in America? Jelly  (I don't agree with this - jam and jelly are two different things in America.  We are not cretins!)
Who or what was discovered on Skull Island?  King Kong
On a Krumbein scale, what is between 2 and 64 millimeters and begins with the letter P?  What was your answer, Di?  That was mine too, but the right one was Pebble.

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