Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Extra Monday Quiz Night

 Jules invited us to an extra quiz night tonight - a couple that used to live on the mews and do quizzes with this group at another pub were back for a visit and staying with Jean and Roger at the end of the mews.  (The visitors were Steve and Margaret - Americans who both went to Northeastern and Steve works for the same company as I do).  So Jean created her own quiz and booked the upstairs library at the Victoria.  The pictures are dark because the room is as it sounds - a dark paneled, low lit room with leather chairs.  Very cosy for a party but not good for photos without a flash.
 This is our quiz master tossing one back. 
She is a fellow Archer listener but that didn't help me here.  We teamed up with Jerry and Jules and still came in dead last.  I guess it's lucky for us that a lot of these folks don't come to the quiz on Tuesday night.

Jean's Quiz Questions:
What is the busiest tube station?
How many pods on the London Eye?
What department store opened it's doors on March 15, 1909?
What skyscraper's address is 30 St Mary Axe, London?
Who are Doctor's Spengler, Venkman and Stantz?
Who in Chicago said, "Public service is my motto?"
What does a somnambulist do?
In 1938 an architect named Alfred Butts invented a game he called Lexico - what do we call it today?

What is the busiest tube station?  Oxford Circus
How many pods on the London Eye?  32
What department store opened it's doors on March 15, 1909? Selfridges
What skyscraper's address is 30 St Mary Axe, London? The Gherkin
Who are Doctor's Spengler, Venkman and Stantz?  Ghostbusters!! (My one contribution)
Who in Chicago said, "Public service is my motto?"  Al Capone
What does a somnambulist do?  Sleepwalk
In 1938 an architect named Alfred Butts invented a game he called Lexico - what do we call it today? Scrabble

Hopefully the Saucy Orchestras will do better on Tuesday!!

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