Thursday, September 11, 2014

17 Years (on Aug 31…this post is a little late)

Do you remember where you where when you heard Diana was dead?  

I was at home in Belmont on Chester Road.  I remember being truly shocked.  It just didn't seem possible that she could be sunbathing on a yacht one day and dead the next.
I have to admit that I don't think about her very much now.  Everything seems to have moved on….Charles finally has Camilla, William and Kate are the new super-royals and Harry is enjoying life with and without pants.  
I'm not sure if this memorial is a nice way to remember Diana or a little sad for it's sparseness.  I mean, there is a lot of stuff here and yet, there is so much real estate to cover that all the open spaces make it seem like the enthusiasm is dwindling. Remember the ocean of flowers at the gate when she died?

Of course, the tourism goes on.  This woman was not going to let a little memorial get in the way of her smiling picture at Kensington Palace.

This kid probably doesn't even know who she is.  She was killed before he was even born.  He's wondering why they aren't at Lego Land.
People put a lot of work into some of these…there were collages, poems, print outs and calligraphy.  They were up for a week and then disappeared.  What do you suppose happens to these when they take them down?  
Trashed or saved?

1 comment:

Mom said...

William and Kate live there now. It must be tough for them both to have these appear on their front gate (although they probably use some less formal entrance).