Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fun in Regent's Park

Let's take a stroll through beautiful Regent's Park.
The park is home to many a species of bird.
Here is the rare Lord Alfred Heron.

Here is another bird.  The Sausage Hen.

Jen has decreed that I cannot start a nut series.
She doesn't read when I blog so I'm sneaking this in.

Fall has arrived.  Leaves are turning.
The one thing we do better in New England than real England: 
Autumn color.

The Sausage Hen takes a moment to play a round of Scrabble on the phone.

Regent's Park is mine.

The Sausage Hen still working on her Scrabble word in the background.

Oh dear.  Scrabble has our Hen befuddled.

The Sausage Hen scouts out a location to pee.

Stay away from the fountain, Sausage Hen.

The Prince Harry Goose looks for a scone crumb.

Royal Tiger Gargoyle.

Birds of a feather .... 

This isn't grass.  It's the layer of green scum on the Thames.
This bird was telling passer by's that he could walk on water.  He wanted 50p to take a picture of his amazing feat.  Nice try, bird.

Regent's Park.
All you need is a little imagination (and some simple minded readers)

1 comment:

didi said...

Nice post Bill! Love a photo of Jen where she isn't posing :)