Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pizza Night in the Mews

Remember when Friday night was pizza night? 
We got a new pizza recommendation so I decided to try it.
I got the "Four Seasons" with 4 different topping sections.
It was good - not Pizza Factory good - but edible as a food (thin crust, sauce, cheese etc).
I ate the whole thing (technically Robert ate "summer" with the red peppers).
We spent Friday night out on the picnic bench with the neighbors Gonzalo and Robert.  And to make things interesting we brought down Woodman.
Turns out Woodman knows how to make a mean gin and tonic.  Here he is squeezing a lemon.

Woodman got a little out of control last night.  If I'd known he was a smoker I would not have allowed him to move in.   Smoking kills, Woodman!!

Once one comes out they all want out.  Simon and the still nameless mice suddenly made an appearance. 
Our mews gets dribs and drabs of people walking through - they all are fascinated by the animals.
This tableaux has all the makings of a good night, doesn't it?  Cigars, scotch, fox, camera...
These nights are so intellectual and educational - sharing little bits of knowledge between countries to better understand each other's cultures.  Last night we learned what you do in Spain when you are telling someone you really have to poo.  
Let's see if our blog readers can make this sign take off in America.

1 comment:

Rosemarie Harrington said...

I can tell that the pizza is quite good, given that you actually finished it even before you can take a picture of it. Hahaha! Anyway, it seems like you guys had a fantastic night together. You better tell woodman to lay off on those cigarettes though, since it could be bad for his health. Hahaha! Thanks for sharing!

Rosemarie Harrington @ The Willard