Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It's Tuesday…Are You Ready For Quiz Night??

Quiz Night!
One of the bartenders accidentally poured an extra London Pride - so when it needed a home, they looked no further than Bill.

It was a battle of the fittest to get a table.  Where the hell did all these people come from?  There were 14 teams tonight and most of them were names I'd never heard of.  Wallabees,   Clunge, Clunge Busters, Plan A, What Happens Before Plan B, Miami Quiz Machine.
Sadly, most of these newcomers beat the shit out of us.
Tonight we were Jedi Sauce.  We teamed up with old pals Jason and John.  Last week our combined scores would have blown the barn doors off.  This week - we sucked.
BFFs Orchestras were at the next table. They did considerably better but not enough to pull off a win.  
The real focus of the night was Ann Maria.
She gave notice!
She had a fight with Tony!
Her hair was curled!
There was much to discuss.

Quiz Questions:
What deck is made up of 78 cards?
Who sang with Jennifer Warren on the hit "Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong"?
What vitamin are you missing if you have rickets?
The Adventures of Sarah Jane is a spin off of what show?
Serena Williams won her 18th Grand Slam at the US Open - what 2 other women's tennis players have also won 18 Grand Slams?
Where are the Tivoli Gardens?
Hippolyta was the queen of what tribe?

Quiz Answers:
What deck is made up of 78 cards?  Tarot Cards
Who sang with Jennifer Warren on the hit "Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong"?  Joe Cocker
What vitamin are you missing if you have rickets? Vitamin D
The Adventures of Sarah Jane is a spin off of what show? Doctor Who
Serena Williams won her 18th Grand Slam at the US Open - what 2 other women's tennis players have also won 18 Grand Slams?  Chris Everett and Martina Navratilova
Where are the Tivoli Gardens? Copenhagen
Hippolyta was the queen of what tribe? Amazons

After the quiz we walked Ann Maria home.
And did a little acting.
This is Ann Maria being furious that I stole her Broadway role.
And these are me reenacting the Tony incident - as it shall now be known - when AM showed up 40 minutes late and he over reacted leaving her distraught on his doorstep.

I fear Tony's days are numbered.  Tune in next week for the update.

1 comment:

Team Strunkin said...

Couple of points - I did get a few answers right to the quiz but missed the Dr. Who one - what kind of Whovian am I??
I know you are rather apolitical but seriously - no mention of the Scottish referendum in any blog posts??? or did I miss it? It's all over the news here.