Monday, September 1, 2014

Happiness at the Wine Bar

I've been dying to go to Gordon's Wine Bar.  Bill isn't a wine drinker and they don't serve ale so I haven't had an opportunity to go.  There is a long alleyway where tables with umbrellas are always full of people drinking wine and having a great time.  You can see that it's packed every time you walk by.  Some day, I vowed, I would be among them.
Saturday was the day!  After the war museum we headed over.  The tables outside were full so we went inside.
The space inside was even more brilliant.  We sat inside a wine cellar only lit by candle light.   The website claims that this is the oldest wine bar in London and that at one point Samuel Pepys and Rudyard Kipling each lived in the building above.

Gordon's did not disappoint.  I loved the buzz of the crowd and the atmosphere of the candles and low rounded stone ceiling.  
After a few rounds and a cheese plate we headed outside to wait for Bill to meet us.

 Jerry looked up from his pour for this shot...
 and stopped just in time for this shot.
 Ann Maria was headed out to meet other friends for the night but waited until Bill arrived to say hello to him.
And here he is!!  Carrying something…large and under wraps.  Curious?  I'm leaving you with a cliff hanger, dear readers.  Find out tomorrow….

1 comment:

didi said...

Bar looks awesome. Were you claustrophobic at all?