Sunday, September 21, 2014

Open Studios in Bermondsey

Jerry and Jules invited us to go to their friend's exhibition at an open studio in Bermondsey.
(Side note #1: This is one of those british words that I continually mispronounce…it's BERmondsey not BerMONDsey.  It's quite embarrassing   By the time I get it right it will be time to pack my bags.)
 Anyway, it was the usually assortment of talent and trash.  I'm sure some of these folks will be the new faces of the London art scene while others will eventually get jobs as office managers in Slough.
 We just wandered in and out of the cubicles looking at how people spend their time…making latex masks for example.  Hang on, is that a sausage on a fork?
 No - it's art!

 Floating beer can planet….next to dried foam insulation planet.

 Suicide bomber dolls for aspiring young terrorists to play with.
 Our pals didn't actually make it into many of the photos but here we are checking out a light designer.    

 I promised Jerry that this one would make the blog.

 Packing tape and box art.
 Life imitating art.
We need to get Bill a studio - his art work is better than 95% of the stuff here.  He is being wasted in his day job if this is the standard for today's art world.
(Side note #2:  DiDi - did you buy these same shoes when we went shopping in Portsmouth 2 summers ago?  They are still the most comfortable pair I own.  I know I need to switch to fall shoes but I hate to put these away.  Bill hates them and yet I cling to them…)

1 comment:

didi said...

I think Stacey bought them...or tried them on....they are cute, what's to hate?