Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Again? We didn't even finish posting last weekend….

On our way to the Open Studios in BERmondsey last weekend we snapped a few pics along the way that we didn't post.  
 Last weekend was also an open house weekend in London when a lot (800+) buildings were open for the public to tour.  The one we picked was on the way to our destination. It was an architecture firm who built their office into an old railway arch.
Everyone worked on this plywood bench.  I assume the executives get the one window.
It was quite small.  This is their conference room.  I'd be the poor sod stuck on the far end needing to go to the loo during a 90 minute meeting.
Not much room to squeeze in between the table and the wall.  Where do the full sized people sit?
Bill was risking his life standing the middle of traffic to get this shot.  But It was worth it, wasn't it?  You know how we love the Shard.
King Alfred in a church yard.  Jules recognized him right off the bat.  I think he needs a new PR firm because I don't think I've even heard of him.
Painted electrical…boxes…what the heck are these?

Who needs the Imperial War Museum when you have a tiger tank in your garden?
BERmondsey was having a street festival so after the Open Studios we walked up the street to check it out.  The usual assortment of cheap merch, food stalls etc.  But good energy and some live music.  Seems like every weekend there is one of these street fests somewhere in the city.
Even a swing dance floor.

Ann Maria in Bill's cap…I said she looked like a Newsie but she didn't know what that was. I just googled it and was shocked to see that the movie cast included Christian Bale, Bill Pullman and Robert Duval.
We, of course, ended up in the pub.  This is what happens when Bill tells Jerry and Jules to look like they are mad at me.  They look mildly angry - I would have gone full blown ballistic in their roles but as the source of anger I look like crap.  Is this considered "sheepish"?  
We did go to a film after a few drinks to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman in A Most Wanted Man.  It was a little dry for a late movie after a few large malbecs but good none the less.

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