Saturday, September 13, 2014

Madame JoJo's Burlesque

Fearing that there has been too many pub blogs and that Fletch is losing interest, I went out to a burlesque club for an early show.  This is the reason why Jen should not leave me alone on a Friday night.  While she was out with work mates, I went to Soho.

I asked this gentleman if I could take pictures in the club.  He said 'Only of me'.  After I took it he said I owed him £30.  For that much I needed to see him wearing pasties.

This isn't really a photograph (not allowed!).  
The show was funny and bawdy, as advertised.
No nudity, although the girls stripped down to their pasties and g-strings.
There was a wardrobe malfunction when a twirling pasty went flying off a boob.
Much hilarity.

I spent too much time watching this couple.  She was on the verge of throwing up and he didn't seem too sympathetic.  It was a nice drama on the side of the pasty-flying action.

I guess Madame Jojo's is famous in London's Soho district.  I never heard of it until last night.

I made a new friend, too.  
Mysti is a burlesque dancer.  She was watching her friend perform.  Her friend had the big finish number with fire eating and such.  
Mysti has a great sense of humour and was a good club buddy for me.

I should have stayed and hung around for the second show with Mysti, but I had to eat.
She gave me her card and I found out she is the world's only black burlesque, striptease and comedic artist.  Damn.  I was with a real celebrity and totally missed out.


didi said...

This may be my favorite blog post ever! Mysti would be a great addition to trivia night, don't you think?

Fletch said...

Awesome blog post. Are all the pictures blurry on purpose because you were wearing your beer goggles whilst taking them?