Tuesday, August 6, 2013

People Potpourri (Not to be confused with Soilent Green)

Monday was a very nice variety of visits.  I went into the office and saw several of my old work mates but forgot to get any pics.  But then I met Jessica for drinks after work at what passes for a "British Pub" in Westford Massachusetts.  Regardless - it was great to catch up with Jessica over a couple of shandies on the patio.
Then as I'm was heading back up to the port I found out that Chi was back in town!  (She just spent 3.5 weeks in Sweden on a trip that included the ABBA museum - very jealous!!!!!  I still love ABBA and played "Take a Chance on Me" for my 6th grade piano recital) Our night included a couple of our favorite salads and a dog walk.  Christin really should die her hair red if she wants to hang out with the Ginger Trio.
 They walked me to my yard where we found the men having a manly night - a couple of smokes at the  fire pit in a Hooters t-shirt is always a good time.   I can't believe we are in the final days and nights of our trip home.  

1 comment:

Team Strunkin said...

Made the blog! Woot Woot! Loved our brief visit! Miss you already - safe travels. Bill, I'm looking forward to golfing with you sometime in the future. Probably not the December visit, I'm guessing. Oh and I'm not very good, btw.