Friday, August 2, 2013

Bed Races and Softball

Every year they have bed races down Federal Street at Yankee Homecoming.  The whole homecoming week in general is a little annoying for locals - - lots of crowds, streets blocked for the road race etc - - but we love the bed races.    The requirement is that every team needs to be pushing a bed with someone in it.  They come down the street one by one, racing the clock, with the Old South Church bells chiming the arrival of each bed over the finish line.  

Some of the teams go down the street pretty fast which, surprisingly, seems to worry Bill.  One year we saw a bed veer off into the crowd a bit and we realized that this wasn't completely safe if there was a runaway bed but that kind of fretting seems more up my alley than Bill's.  Maybe Bill and I are becoming each other.  Watch this space for a pic of me smoking a cigar....

One team that was strolling down the street was the Circus Smirkus group.  They made up for their lack of speed with plenty of creativity.

Long time readers will recognize Bill's best buddy Randy (below left).  I don't know who the other guy is.  This is what happens when I have to write the post about pictures I didn't take of people I don't know.  Bill went to watch his old (and I do mean old) softball team play last night so I assume he is someone from the team.  I'm going to call him Marvin.
This must be the team mascot - a giant ceramic chicken.  Is that Marvin giving Bill the stink eye through the chicken gap? it's not the same hat.  That must be Wendall.  And standing up is Bubba.  Good times. 

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