Monday, August 5, 2013

Bad teeth, thunder boomers and birthdays

We had a lovely reunion cookout at Scott and Tina's house in Danvers.
It was interrupted briefly for a fantastic lighting storm that flew in.  One minute it was nine miles out (using the how-many-seconds-between-thunder-and-lighting trick).  Then it was three miles out a minute later.  And then a crack of lighting exploded at the same time the thunder rocked the house.  It was spectacular.
We quickly got back to cook-outing.  Bob, Deanna, Jeff and Jen are the only ones missing from our clan in this picture (Jen was photographer).  Hopefully there will be day soon that we'll get the complete menagerie together.
 We've been in England too long..... bad teeth are contagious there.
Someone get the wet kid off of my lap.
 Oh well.  He's too cute not to cuddle.  Even with a wet bathing suit.
 More bad teeth.
 Joey is confused..... 
 The boys love Uncle Joey and Allie
 Malikai even likes it when Allie squeezes his head like a grape.
 Kat, Nicole and I with the bears.  That's a little Mexican sombrero on the head of the little one.
 As said, Bob couldn't be there, so we brought Bob on a stick.  
 Mom was truly surprised when she came down and found us all waiting for her with an 80th birthday cake.  She turns 80 in September, so this caught her by surprise.  She teared up a bit, so you know it was good.  (I hope Mom doesn't mind me mentioning her age.  It's a good thing she has not technology to read the blog ... she's quite cyberphobic)
 I'll pass on the piece of cake with the spit, thank you.
 Mom and her kids.
 I thought everyone heard my cue to give an angry face .... It's like in Stripes when Bill Murray fakes out Harold Ramis by pretending to step forward to admit they broke curfew, only to let Ramis step out by himself.
 Wyatte's Kool Aid moustache is a beauty
Well done, Tina and Scott.  Thanks for a cracking day.
(A skunk just sprayed outside my bedroom window as I type this and my eyes are tearing up)

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