Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Eel Pie and Pimms

After our visit to the naked ladies (see yesterday's post) we wandered across a little foot bridge to Eel Pie Island.  
 Eel Pie Island is a private island in the Thames that doesn't seem to have any access by car.   The only way on and off is by boat or this narrow bridge. We saw a couple of men who looked like they were moving off the island pushing a wagon full of stuff to load into a car on the mainland.  This is an artist community and you'll see that the few cottages that we could see from the path were all decorated with funky art and little doo dads.   The artists only open their studios twice a year - in June and December.  I would love to go back when you can really explore it.

 I loved this little sign:  Thank you for noticing this new notice.  Your noticing has been noted.
 Doesn't this look like Drummond's British twin, mummy?  (painted a lovely shade of green)
Next stop - Richmond.  We walked along the Thames path for a couple of miles (which is how I almost hit 30K steps for the day!)
 We sat along the river for a spot of tea and a scone with Travel Monkey.

 We ate dinner overlooking the park at The Cricketers. Like the sign says, it's always Pimms o'clock.  

1 comment:

Mom said...

Maybe Drummond needs a collar like his British twin.