Sunday, August 18, 2013

It was supposed to rain....

The forecast was afternoon rain so we booked matinee tickets to a show and headed into London on the train.  Bill and I are fighting over these readers - - he picked them out but I think they look much better on me.  I need them to read when I am wearing my contacts now.  Yup, I'm old.
We decided to do lunch at the Borough Market.  We've been there a few times before so I'm sorry we aren't showing you anything new but here are some shots of the desserts and Bill's pulled pork sandwich.

 We had enough time to walk from the Borough to the West End - passing the Globe Theater  and the birch trees in front of the Tate Modern on the way.  

Made it to the theater with a few minutes to spare.  It was a Noel Coward play that was supposed to be hilarious...We liked the actors (you may recognize  Anna Chancellor aka "Duckface" from Four Weddings and a Funeral) but we were luke warm on the show.  The story of a divorced couple who fight constantly but are also really still in love with each other seems sort of predictable now.  And when they end up in a slapping match it just feels uncomfortable rather than hilarious.  
And still no rain!  So we stopped in at the Portrait Gallery to see the BP Award exhibition.
Second Prize
Ducked into St Martins in the Field on the way back to the train...there was a group rehearsing the Four Seasons (as in Vivaldi - not Frankie Valli....although Big Girls Don't Cry by a string quartet might be interesting....)
 I love the window at the end of the church.  It looks like it's been stretched open so someone could escape a dull sermon.

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