Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Probably Not Safe For Christin...and maybe others....

We need to travel back in time a bit for this post....back to Saturday when Joey and Allie were still in England and the long weekend had just begun.  As part of their send off I found an interesting shop that was off the beaten path. (Farther off the path than planned, actually... I won't go into details but due a to map problem we were way off course and thought we were too late to get in.  Fortunately for us and you, dear reader, that was not the case.)

 I realize that at this point I must seem obsessed by taxidermy...but this shop was really much more.  I found it through a strange online meander from one blog to another and another.  Just like some stranger who might stumble upon this post and say, "I need to go there!"  But once I found it I felt that no visit to London would be complete for Joey and Allie without a look at some curiosities (and get into the act ourselves...)

Bill took it to the next level by trying to kill a swan that was already dead.  If you've been following this blog you know how much he hates swans.

The ground floor was fairly straightforward taxidermy but I am NOT showing the more disturbing items (don't read this Christin!) of puppies and kittens.  I guess I'll know I've crossed a line when I tell Bill I want a taxidermied puppy peeking out of a boot.

Then we went to the lower level.  Of course the squirrels playing cards would have definitely come home with us if it wasn't so expensive.  The popcord box of miniskulls was a little too kitsch and the shrunken head sent Allie running.

Then I saw the celebrity poo.  Yes, there was actual poo in these jars as promised by the labels.  It's hard to tell but that is a little drawing of someone pooing as well.  Is there an actual market for this??  Have we been flushing away a money maker?  Of course, since we are definitely in the "D-list and under" category it will take a lot of poo to pay those college bills.


Mom said...

What is that white creature you're communing with, Jen? Is it a dog? The giant rat of Sumatra? I'm curious.

Kats said...

You guys are amazing! You actually found a shop that was full of shit. Class!

didi said...

Thank you for skipping the dog & cat pics. :)

Jennifer said...

For those wondering, like my mother (but I talked to her last night and told her already) I think i'm posing with an albino kangaroo!! It was shaped exactly like a kangaroo but all white with pink eyes. Quite expensive too since I assume it's rare when alive, let alone stuffed.

Jana said...

Celebrity Poos.
Who knew?!