Wednesday, May 22, 2013

FItbit Friends 4-Eva!!

I had a wonderful treat Tuesday morning - a walk in Kew Gardens with Fitbit and Booktopia friend Lisa!!  
Lisa lives in New Mexico but she and her family are in London staying with her cousin near Richmond, making Kew Garden the perfect meet up spot for a walk.  
 Kew Gardens was strangely empty - I think we were the first people in as soon as the gate opened at 9:30 and we didn't see another person for about an hour.  It was a little chilly and overcast but the flowers looked great - - including this yellow wisteria arbor.
 When we did finally see someone we asked them to take our picture.  
Sadly the morning flew by and before I knew it, Lisa needed to go meet her family at The Tower of London and I needed to go back to Eton to start my work day.  I loved catching up her, chatting about books, fitbits etc.  Of course we had to take our last picture in front of the bookshop near the tube station.

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