Friday, May 24, 2013


Joey and Allie spent the day in London and then we all met at the theater to see Matilda. The show is based on the Roald Dahl book and really, you can't go wrong with Roald, can you??   That's the set covered in colored squares with letters on them.  
Joey and Bill wore their special theater-going outfits.  The MacKay men are like peacocks, never missing an opportunity to display those colorful tail feathers.  
 Can you drink alcohol during the theater in the US?  I can't Matilda there was lots of candy for the audience of kiddies (who were all very well behaved despite being loaded up on sugar and up way past their bedtimes) and beer on tap for the adults.  Speaking of up past their bedtimes, the kids on stage were great but looked pretty young.  How do they go to school and then perform in a show at night until after 10pm? We were all ready to pass out on the train ride home and we just sat on our asses for 2.5 hours.
 It's cold here - we are all bundled up for the walk back to the train. But we do love being in the city at night.  Check out that city strut!

1 comment:

chi said...

Matilda is all the rage!!!
... and finally made it to our shores..