Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm Back!

This is Bill without me...sad but colorful.  Jessica, these pants are begging to be on a golf course, aren't they?  Instead they are at the office.  It's like keeping a bird in a cage.  There is no joy without Jen.
Alert the royals, Jen is back in town!!  And it's spring!  Bill and I went out for a little walk on the Brocas when he got home from work.  Castle in background - you can't read the flag but it's the "Betty is Here" symbol.  She didn't want to miss my first day back.  
I'm being particularly active because I'm wearing my Fitbit.  It's logging every step.  I think most readers have already heard about the Fitbit but for those who have not I will do a post all about it.  It's basically a pedometer that synchs to a website to compare your activity with other Fitbit friends.  
A quick photo op on our little walk....
This is how I always dress to read trashy mags in Eton.  We have to keep up posh appearances.  
Thank you to Bill for covering the blog while I was busy with the festival.  It was so fun to see everyone back in the states and I'm missing you already.  But in the meantime, shouldn't you be planning a trip to visit us?

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