Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bucolic Bath

Hopefully you aren't tired of Bath, dear reader, because the week has been fairly dull - drizzly rain, grey skies and work.  I'd rather be in Bath, walking across the hillside behind the B&B, saying hello to the cows and looking out over the green fields and the beautiful cityscape.  Bill and I took a nice little walk through the fields on Sunday (which registered as lots of flights of stairs on my fitbit, but I suppose that's fair since the hills were very steep).  We felt very British - Bill even dressed in more subdued British colors to blend with the landscape. Sadly we saw evidence of crime even in this paradise - -there was a cut fence and a man asking if we'd seen anyone (we hadn't) and signs up about a man who has been stealing dogs by luring them away with them treats!! Is nothing sacred? Even the hills of Bath are NSFC (Not Safe For Christin).

I need to do a little sprucing up at #8 today since 24 hours from now, Joey and Allie arrive!


chi said...

what!?!?! OMG!!! who would do that? I would DIE if someone stole Ichi... OMH - boy do you have me awake ad worked up!!

chi said...

ha ha ha - just re-read and saw that you were kind enough to post an NSFC warning - missed that the first time through - who who who would do that??? monster

didi said...

Wait, is Bill wearing peach colored sneakers? The ones I wanted you to buy in Harvard Square? Love them!

Denise said...

Exactly my thought...those salmon-coloured (see what I did there?) Chuck Taylors are evidence of subdued attire?

Jennifer said...

Come on - this is positively bland for Bill! And it's definitely dull compared to my outfit - bright blue skinny jeans and my magenta short trench coat.