Thursday, May 2, 2013

Counting Every Step

My Fitbit arrived in the mail last week.  This is a little device that you wear all day (and all night if you want to track your sleep patterns) to count the steps taken, stairs climbed, calories burned that day.  The difference between Fitbit and your average pedometer is that you synch your stats on line and connect with friends who also have Fitbits to 'compete' for the most.  I think you all know how much I love a competition.  When I saw all my Booktopia friends in VT comparing Fitbit stats I had to join.  I'm hoping this will help motivate me to keep moving on those days when I'd rather sit on my ass.  For better or worse I'm connected to some friends who are really into DOING things (like running road races and hiking etc) so I'm going to have to step it up unless I like being at the bottom of the list.


Team Strunkin said...

How many calories does one burn planking??? :)

Jennifer said...

Sadly very few. Reading is also another dud as is watching period pieces on TV. Now if I had a SITbit that was logging my time doing these sedentary "activities" I would be all set!!

(Actually, the weather here is perfect for long walks so I've rocketed to the top of my Fitbit chart....for now!)