Friday, May 3, 2013

Bonus Content

I realize I'm "posting over a post" - something Bill and I have had words about before.  (I think I started it when I posted and then he posted on the same day and it was clear that no one was going to see my post because they all thought that his was the new post.  Since then we've had a "no posting over a post" rule that I am now breaking.  So be sure to go look at the post before this...even though its not very good which I take responsibility for.  Who said blogging was easy??)

Anyway, the point is, I haven't posted this picture of me and the girls on my last full day at home!   It was the perfect day for a three hour lunch outside in sunny Harvard Square.  I can't wait until they come to see us (with Dave!) in Eton in September.  xox

1 comment:

didi said...

It was a perfect day, with lots of laughs as usual.