Saturday, May 18, 2013

Allie and Joey adjust to the time difference

 I'm sure none of you want to hear about my day at work, where I had a luncheon meeting in London on Regency Ave at an upscale restaurant being treated to lobster mac and cheese and a fabulous cut of beef.
And you don't want to hear about Jen's day in which she walked 18,000 steps but according to her FitBit only burned off the equivalent of a good burp.

You want to hear about Allie and Joey's big adventure in England.  Really though, yesterday was assimilation day.  They fought to stay awake while touring around Windsor.  We had dinner in one of our favourite pubs and by 9:00 they were fast asleep.

I have to get home soon.  Seeing Joey reminds me how much I miss the family.  I am scheduled to go at the end of July.  That seems like forever away.
In the meantime, I'm going to love having my baby boy with me for a week.


didi said...

I want to see lots of photos of Hogwarts when you visit. And a guest post from Joey would be a treat!

Fletch said...

Thank god for Joey. This will vastly improve the quality of the blog. All Joey, all the time...