Sunday, May 5, 2013

Little Venice

London is so big that there are still many neighborhoods that we have yet to explore.  Today we discovered Little Venice.  They were having a festival on the water full of narrow boats with bunting and vendors on the shore.  Christine came out of the gate strong with purchases right away which set the tone for the day.
 The narrow houseboats look amazing.  It seems like once you get into the canal (vs the wider area above) they are all anchored in a semi-permanent state with home made 'yards' of potted plants on the walkway.  

 You can walk for miles along Regent's canal and it feels like you are in another world.  

 I think I need to add "living temporarily on a narrowboat in Regent's canal" to my bucket list.  I'm sure the cramped space would drive me crazy after a while but I loved the neighborhood that they created in their small outside space.  In the pictures below you have the boats on one side and then across the walkway were little patios with chairs and candles and shelves built into the trees for more plants.  I could definitely see myself reading a book watching the tourists go by, having dinner al fresco with the neighbors and then retreating into my narrow bunk for a good nights sleep.

1 comment:

didi said...

I heard that Captain Frank retired to Regent's Canal a few years ago