Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Sharded

As part of a work outing I went to London's latest "best view of London" attraction.
It's a better viewing option than the London Eye for people like me for a couple of reasons.  First off, the view from the Shard is twice as high as any other venue in London.  
In general, I don't like heights and the thought of the Eye getting stuck wigs me out a bit.  The Shard seems safer.  It still scared me a bit, though.
You can check out more about The View from the Shard here .

These are some pictures of my workmates.  I think I traumatized a few of them with my inappropriate conversations.  At one point they said they were going to call HR (me) to file a complaint about an improper co-worker (me).

I did get some good conversation going.  Including the conversation from the normally quiet Chinese guy who told a story about someone he knew who ate monkey brain.  From a live monkey.  He made a sideways slicing motion to indicate how they opened up the head of the monkey, which sent us all into fits.  In my opinion, if I didn't lead these odd ball conversations the only thing these guys would talk about would be work and weather.  I sacrificed my credibility (gave you a lay-up there ...) in order to have a more interesting evening.
Your welcome, co-workers.  Now stuff your complaint in a sock.


didi said...

I think the people on the ground could see your pants all the way at the top of the Shard.(just kidding, love your pants.)

didi said...

I don't think Stacey's monkey will like this post (can't recall her monkey's name.)