Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bits and Bobs

Christine had a lovely day at Hampton Court yesterday.  Bill and I went to work.  Now if Christine were writing this blog, you would have lovely photos of the palace and the gardens.  Instead, I have to post some bits and bobs from our weekend.

We introduced Christine to Camden Market and in particular, Peter, at Bill's favorite stall - A Dandy in Aspic.  Peter is quite a sales man.  He's got a deep voice and a shtick that we fall for every time.  

 We also made it into the Portrait Gallery before it closed on Saturday.  I didn't remember this portrait of the Dowager Countess, Dame Maggie Smith from past visits.
 I especially liked the garden statues at Charleston on Sunday.  And this one in particular....I think this woman is planking!!!

1 comment:

didi said...

A Dandy in Aspic could be the title of Bill's memoir!