Thursday, January 15, 2015


Jana and Jen are on their adventure in Rye.  They don't have internet access so I've been left with the blog responsibility.  
Robert saved me because I had nothing.

As readers know Robert has given us his nice bench while he's building out his basement.  He's been relegated to having a smoke leaning outside his window.  He says he misses his bench.
In two weeks he can have it back.

As we said goodnight he said he'd miss hearing the wild times he heard through the wall.
I had no idea who he was talking about... Jen and I take our wild times outside of the mews, thank you very much. Then he said 'December 19th'.
Apparently the night that Jules and Jerry came over to watch 'A Christmas Story' we kept him awake until 3:00am.  He said it sounded like a swingers party.  Robert has a vivid imagination.
I felt bad when he said he had to get up early the next day, until I remembered that Robert's basement diggers have been torturing us for months.  A little payback is good for him.

Robert has been a great neighbour.  Another one of our new friends we'll be missing.

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