Tuesday, January 6, 2015

We'll Always Have London

On our way out tonight Bill and I passed by this great sign on Kensington Road.  I'm sure we've passed it a million times but now that we are leaving soon we are becoming super touristy and hyper aware of everything.  Look how quaint!  And random - why Houndslow?  In 1911 they thought it was important to call out something one mile in one direction and nine miles away in another?  It doesn't make sense.  I love it.

This glowing bust was also eye catching.
But we weren't on a sight seeing walk.  We were on our way to Kensington Roof Gardens to see an outdoor movie.  Well, the movie was actually under a heated marquee so it didn't actually feel that outdoorsy.  The venue is beautiful though - a rooftop garden with all sorts of little seats, water features, and then an indoor bar.  (Readers may recall that last winter I saw this garden on one of my London Walks of Kensington but this was Bill's first time up there.)
A burger from the outdoor grill and drink came with out ticket.  The movie?  Casablanca!
I was surprised that it wasn't sold out.  Maybe they were misinformed...

Here's lookin' at you, Kid.
On the way home we couldn't resist one more shot of the Churchill pub - all decked out in festive lights for the holidays.

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