Thursday, January 29, 2015

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened ...

In two and a half years we have seen and done things we will remember forever.
The best memories, however, will be of the people we have met, the people that have visited us, the friends we'll keep forever.
Here are a few of those people.
If you've been reading all along, we wonder how many of these characters in our play you will recognize?
(Apologies to those we missed.  Despite taking pictures non-stop for two and a half years, there are a few of you we didn't get)




















didi said...

Great post. Welcome home.

Andrea said...

I'm glad you're back, but sad you won't be there... sigh

Unknown said...

GREAT FABULOUS EXPERIENCES... So sorry I didn't make it across the pond...but I loved sharing it with you on this terrific blog.