Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunday in the Hood

After a couple nights out we needed some down time.  Sunday roast and football at the Duke of Kendal pub.
 On the way home we decided to take pictures of our favorite places in the neighborhood.
Duke of Kendal.
 The Victoria.
 MaxiMini - Our Sunday night go-to Chinese take away (and Bill saw Helen Mirren eating at one of those outside tables).
 Back to the mews…Didi asked for more horses so here they are!

We are already starting to think about the move - - going through our belongings to decide what stays and what ships.   We have limited room in the shipment and no need for UK electricals (toaster, lamps, etc) so we have to start finding homes for things now. Seems like only yesterday we were deciding what to bring in this direction to make the UK feel like home.  It's nice to realize that now we have two parts of the world that feel like home for us no matter what we pack with us.


didi said...

Thank you!

Team Strunkin said...

what exactly is the drinking age in the UK - just a bit concerned by the first picture in this blog :)