Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rye Part 2

Remember the church from Rye Part 1?
It's got the best views of Rye if you climb the bell tower.
Up these narrow twisty steps...
Past all the bells at rest….
Out this heavy door on to the roof….
You can see all of Rye, the rivers and the harbor.

One of the other tourist spots of note is Ypres Tower built by Henry III to guard against a French invasion.  And just to make it more anti-French, they named it a French name and then mispronounce it as  "Wipers" Tower to purposely mess with their heads.
First stop - the privy.  I can't read the writing in this photo but I like the picture of a man on the throne reading  a newspaper.  Have men been doing that since the 14th century??
Again, it's hard to read the writing but this is called a "Man Trap"  in case any single ladies are looking to catch a lad.
Test your strength on a long bow.
Pretend to be medieval.
 It was a cold, rainy afternoon so we did a little shopping and then headed home for a cash cuppa…with a real log on the fire.

1 comment:

Jana said...

I might view this so many times I'll wear it out ;-)

What a wonderful day in Rye!