Monday, January 19, 2015

A Timely Quiz

Guess who this is?

Clue number two 

Do you know yet?
Clue number three.

Go Patriots.
In Tom we trust.

Jana is an avid Seahawks fan.  We went out to a Ronnie Scott's jazz club last night (which I'll post separately) but she kept one eye on her phone for game updates.  The whole night it looked like the Seahawks were going to blow it.  It wasn't until we were walking home that the good news hit - they pulled it off from a 16-0 deficit!
 This only invigorated Bill and Jana for more football.  So at midnight they found a bar that was playing the Patriots and went to watch!!  While I love the Pats, I just couldn't find it in me to head out for round 2 at midnight so I went home to the comfort of bed.

Even Mr. Dibley enjoyed the late night game and some nachos.
 Happy Football Fans!!
 It looks like Jana and Bill were among friends.

We were cheering each other on tonight but it will be Seahawks vs Patriots at the Superbowl!  
May the best team win!

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