Tuesday, January 27, 2015

At least we didn't come empty handed

Jerry and Jules had us over for dinner last night.  We came with bagfuls of more stuff to leave with them.  I honestly had no idea how much crap we'd accumulated until we had to find a home for it.  Jules has been wonderful about saying she'll take it all but poor Jerry went ballistic when he saw MORE bags in the living room. I don't blame him.  They had everything in them from packaged sliced cheese to printer paper to our fabric chicken doorstop (filled with rice - frankly, it never really held a door very well but he's really giving it his all on a door in their house.)
We had to make sure the house was empty this morning so that the cleaners can come early Tuesday morning.  Each step gets us closer to home.  Meanwhile, Mother Nature may have other opinions as she is currently burying Boston in 2-3 feet of snow.