Friday, January 23, 2015

I'm Benjamin Button

Look who is back for a final blog post, our friends Michael and Anthony.
We wanted to catch up one last time before we head back home.  If you are a close reader you will recall that a night out with the boys is usually bad news for me.  They are half my age and can go all night long.
This night was to be no exception.

Well this is rather civilized.  Couple of mates having a pint and listening to some music at a pub in Windsor.  What could go wrong?
Some shots of tequila and we were playing with lemons.
The boys were excited when Lenny showed up.  Lenny's a sweet guy who they say always ends a night tits up.
After the pub and the tequila we took a cab somewhere... they wouldn't tell me where.
Michael doesn't even know how to pretend to smoke a cigar.
This is why they didn't tell me where we were going.
The boys get a bit rowdy, I finally remembered.  They get into arguments and always are pushing and shoving some other group of slugs.  I treated the night like a science experiment and watched from a distance.
This is the last picture from the night, but not the end of the night.  By a long shot.
We drove to Kingston, a £65 cab ride.  There was an another altercation, this time with the lorrie driver over the fare.  The police showed up and a middle ground fare was decided upon.  At that point it was 4:00am and I was stuck.  No trains until 6:00am.  We went inside Lenny's ramshackle flat (one room, strangely a large man was asleep in the bed that took up 75% of the room).  I fell asleep and left the boys to keeping their spirits going.  That's all I'll say in this public space.
I got home at 8:30am.
Back home our friends described me as Benjamin Button, doing all the things in my old age that others do in their twenties, when in my twenties I was doing old man things.

1 comment:

didi said...

4:00 am!!! Very impressive