Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cool Mews

I know you know this already, but I'll say it again - I love our mews.  
Not just our flat, which is nice, but the street.  The cobble stones.  The neighbors.  The horses.  The picnic tables.  The camaraderie. The quiet seclusion.  The way people stop and take pictures when they find it for the first time. 
These are shots from all different times of the year.  We never get tired of looking at it.
This is the first time I ever saw it - Bill showed it to me last year when we knew this was going to be our home in 2014.  Maybe now we even know those people who are taking behind me.  

I pass this scene every morning as I go for my walk.  The two stables are in constant motion all morning taking day trippers out to the park, feeding and shoeing the horses and picking up poo.

This was last May I think - obviously not now with the wisteria in bloom.  We'd kill for those blooms back on Atwood.
 I call this one:  The Morning After.
Thanks for a great year, Bathurst!!  It's been one we'll never forget.

1 comment:

didi said...

more horse photos please!