Sunday, January 4, 2015

Oh, the humanity...

It was game night at Jules and Jerry's last night.  We supplied the game, courtesy of a Christmas gift from Brenda and Keith.
We had not heard much about Cards Against Humanity.  What we did know about it was that it is not for children.
Before game time Jules and Jerry made us delicious pizza.
We frustrated Jerry with what we don't eat.  Jen is anti pepper.  I am anti mushroom.  Both of us are anti anchovy.  

J & J had a guest join us.  Jenny from Houston.  She is not yet 30 and was traveling on her own to Paris and London.  She fit in nicely and was not outwardly offended by our bawdy banter.

Mike is a savant at this game.  He always chose the right combinations.  He beat us all like a drum.


 Here was our favourite round of the night.  The black card reads 'Lifetime' presents _____________, the story of _______________.  So we had to choose two of our cards to fill in the blanks.
Some of the options were 'Lifetime' presents mouth herpes, the story of flesh eating bacteria, and Lifetime' presents sperm whales, the story of a salty surprise, and Lifetime' presents glory holes, a zesty breakfast burrito.  The winner was Lifetime' presents a disappointing birthday party, the story of menstrual rage.

I told you the game was not for children.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good game. We played it at Heather's this summer.