Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sunday Jazz at Ronnie Scotts

Remember last week when Jana and Kats were here?  There are still a few pics I didn't post. Although not enough of my Fabbie Friends (it's never enough, though, is it?)
First was Sunday lunch in Marlybone.  We didn't get the roast but we did order  three big Yorkshire puddings.

 Sadly Kats had to leave in the afternoon but Jana, Bill, Mr Dibley and I had a night out planned.
Gypsy jazz at Ronnie Scott's jazz club in Soho.
Ronnie Scott's is an iconic place for jazz.  They opened in 1959 and legendary musicians such as Sarah Vaughn and Miles Davis have played to intimate audiences here.

 The band was great and there were a lot of people up on their feet swing dancing - some better than others. One very nice man approached Jana for a dance but she declined and then started cuddling up to my husband to try to look unavailable.
 Meanwhile, Mr Dibley wanted to show off his mad jazz skills.  He was even wearing a jaunty cravat!  Who knew there was a little gypsy in Mr D?
 Not to be outdone by Dibley I quickly grabbed Bill's derby and started posing.  Mr. Dibley then jumped in front to hog the limelight.  Don't throw me no shade, Dibley.
 In case you've forgotten, Sunday was also the big football day.  Jana watched the Seahawks get trounced on Bill's phone.  Boo too…no joy in Seattle….
 But wait!  This was when we found out that Seattle reclaimed their manhood with a last minute win!!! Yahoooo!  Jana yelled a happy bad word into the night air and jumped around for a bit.  Then she, Bill, and Dibley were off to watch the Pats ( who also won with the controversial "Deflate- Gate").  A  truly super Sunday in London.

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