Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hampstead and Kats and Kings and Songs

Still catching up from Jana's wonderful visit!!  Saturday was spent in Hampstead.  It was a little bit of a flashback to our visit with Chris and Earle.  We stopped in the same alley stairwell to take a selfie.
We ate at the Holly Bush.  But this time, instead of Timothy Dalton we sat next to this handsome fella.
We looked at the skyline from the Heath.

The Heath and the neighborhood is so beautiful but for some reason my little shots just don't quite capture the charm of it.

After our stroll in the park we jumped on the tube and raced to St Paul's for 5:00pm evensong and a Fabbie meet up with our Swiss Miss, Kats!!
And as if that wasn't a full enough day, we were all invited over to partake in Sophie's gallette.  In France they celebrate Epiphany all month long because they love the taste of their "king cake" pastry.  So Sophie and Jules baked several versions and invited us over to find the king,
Whoever gets the slice with the lithe figurine gets to wear the crown.
 Usually a child sits under the table and calls out "This one is for Jerry" and since I was the most childish there, I got to call the slices.

 Queen for a day!!  Jana gets to wear the crown.
We ended the nigh at the Kendal for dinner and sing along.
 Observant readers will note that this is the only photo of Bill on the blog for Saturday.  He joined us for a few minutes, didn't even have a drink and then walked Kats to her bus. He went out the night before with his young friends Anthony and Michael in Windsor.  That's tomorrow's blog post - Bill's all nighter in the suburbs!!
 I suppose a sing along is not the best place to be with a hang over.  Especially when this girl is in the pub belting them out!  (Fortunately she had a good voice)
 Our song mistress.  She claims to know 1000 different songs.

 She always ends the night with Bohemian Rhapsody - a fan favorite.  Every voice in the pub chimed in to close out the night.

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