Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fun Friday - - The Victoria and Albert Museum

Today is Fun Friday - the weekday that I go do something fun before work.  Today's event was a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum.  Let's go in!
I love this chandelier in the entry way.  Especially looking right up at it.

We have been to the V&A but I think you could go many times without seeing the same thing twice.  So I walked past the rooms of statues and medieval doo dads to look for something new.  I found the room of jewelry.
 I was able to snap this photo before the docent told me that this is the one room where you cannot take pictures.  But I'm so glad I got this - - all of these rings were donated by one person if I remember correctly.  The arrows are markers to show where the gemstone changes.  It's hard to appreciate how stunning these were in person and the display was amazing.
 The next room was stained glass.  It was a grey day outside which seemed to make the colors glow even richer.

 This is how Norman Rockwell would have painted if he was alive in 1834.  You've got all the elements of a Rockwell story - the boy giving the other boy a bite of apple has a worried look on his face that the second boy will take more than his share.  Slightly less Rockwellian is the monkey wearing clothes who is mirroring the worried look of the boy as he eyes the second boy's dog.  Maybe this is Rockwell with a touch of MacKay.
Bill and I love a good tapestry.  As we established on our honeymoon tapestry purchasing venture - I like bloody battle scenes but he prefers romance (anyone surprised by that?) so this tapestry would have served us both well.  For me - the dead deer at the bottom being eviscerated.  For Bill, the man copping a feel from the maiden standing behind the butchers.  Everybody's happy!!
 In case you're looking for something more modern….this little number was worn by Mick Jagger.  Yes, it is as tiny as it looks.
 For Whitney - - what British pop star wore this?  I'll give you a hint, we first heard him in the car with your dad on our famous 80's adventure.
 I love the miniature portraits.  This was particularly miniature….just an eye with diamond tear drops.  This about summed up how I felt knowing I had to head home and start work.  Boo too - let the diamonds flow!

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