Thursday, February 20, 2014

It won't be winter for ever….really!

I know it doesn't feel like it to our friends back home - but Spring is just around the corner.  The flowers and trees WILL bloom again!!  I know, it's easy to say that from here. I'm so glad I'm not dealing with all that snow.
And I know there are many people having a terrible winter here in the UK dealing with several feet of water flooding their homes.  But here in the city the combination of rain, sun and mild temps means everything is green and little spots of other colors are starting to pop up all around us.

Most people on our mews have a little garden in the front of there house.  Now these are dotted with primroses, cyclamen, pansies, and daffs.

Every day here has a little rain and a little sunshine and once in a while that means a treat in between.  

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