Monday, February 24, 2014

Strolling on a Sunday

A last minute change of plans with one of Bill's colleagues who got his flight info wrong (coming in on   Monday) meant we had a free day with no plans.  So after a leisurely morning with tea and a book, we headed out into the streets.

 I need to work on my Jagger.
 We found our little lunch destination.  I read about this place on one of my blogs.  I loved how unassuming it was.  You could walk by and barely notice it.  But inside is such a cozy little place - perfect for a cloudy day.
I didn't know I had the camera on this twinkly setting - doesn't it look like the light fixture is raining magic on Bill's head?

 He looks so happy but the reality was that after we sat down and committed to eating here we found out they only serve wine.   Poor Bill!!  And Poor Jen because that means I'll probably never get to eat here again and it was delicious.
Across the street was this window display - it's a hair salon with big colored braids coming out of the cassettes.  I ought to go around and just take pictures of shop windows for the blog because there are so many creative ones here.
We spent the end of the afternoon at the National Gallery. Once again, we got scolded for taking pictures.  But here they are.

 I know this view is done to death but it's a stunner at dusk.

 Our parting shot is Bill's salute to the Canadians who beat the US in Olympic hockey.  (Apologies to any Canadians who stumble on this blog.)

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