Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Quiz Night at the Vic

This is actually a post from last week that was pre-empted by something else so I held on to it for this week.  I miss you, Bill, and I bet the folks at the Victoria were missing The Colonies last night.
With Bill home this week we were able to go to the pub quiz on Tuesday night.  Before we left the house we both agreed that our intention was to sit with our dinner and drinks and just play along in our heads.  We know we are no match for the trivia-minded Brits.  But the emcee quickly talked us round to playing for real.  Our team name:  The Colonies.  (Turns out that wasn't such a clever name since the America was just one of many colonies for the Brits.  We're just so conceited we think of ourselves as THE colonies.  So he would start a question by saying "Here's one for The Colonies" and the answer would be Gibraltar.)
 I don't know the name of the team across the bar but they were playing as poorly as we were so we had a friendly rivalry going.
 It was a stroke of luck that we had a couple of Brits next to us who were not officially playing but were willing to give us a little brain-time.  They significantly boosted our score in the first round.  But then they left so I chatted up the guy to my left - damn, a Texan!  What are the chances?  He was no help.  The guy that the Texan was talking too was gobsmacked that he was standing near three yanks when he's never met a yank in the pub before.  I don't think he goes to the pub all that much but claimed he would help us on a future pub quiz.
 There are six rounds….see all the checks in round one and all the x's in the other rounds.  It was all down hill from round one.  But when the final scores were announced we were NOT LAST!  We were number 9 out of 12.  I think the team that won was named Buffet (?) which seems like a very strange team name so perhaps I've got that wrong.   I hope it is their name because it makes The Colonies sound much better.
Now Bill's off to Australia so we will miss a couple weeks of quiz night - - unless I go try to hitch my wagon to Buffet next Tuesday...


didi said...

I'm curious what the questions were that you answered Jesus, Kanye and Sputnik?

didi said...

I also don't think I've ever hear anyone use "Jen" and "friendly rivalry" in the same sentence. (Kidding!)