Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Wallace Collection

It's good to know that there are still plenty of museums that we haven't seen yet.  Bill and I stopped in at the Wallace Collection.  This was the private collection of the 4th Marquess of Hereford who left it to his son Richard Wallace.  The house with 25 galleries of paintings, sculpture, armory, porcelain, furniture was bequeathed as a free museum in 1900.   It's amazing how many things you can see in London for free.

 The house itself is part of the enjoyment of this place - every room is covered in gilt with vibrant silk walls and rococo furnishings.
 Do you think we could do something like this at home?  I love these green walls!
 The Laughing Cavelier by Frans Hals.
 Girl on Swing by Fragonard.
 I love miniatures.  I want Bill to paint a miniature of me and Petey.  Although looking now I see that these are nudes…I'll be wearing miniature clothes, please.

We can't go to a museum and not try to impersonate the art.

 Queen Victoria…before she started looking like WInston Churchill.
 THis may have been my favorite thing in the museum - this man was dressed very dapper with a bright red silk tie and pocket square and his suit was impeccably cut except it was a little short!!
 How did horses manage to carry a man in armor while they, themselves, were wearing armor?
 There was even a little modern art.  This was called Breathing.
 This courtyard restaurant was in the center of the house. Time for tea!

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